Convention & Expo Centers
QUITO: American Capital of Culture
Quito was declared First World Heritage Site by the UNESCO 32 years ago. Moreover, last September, Quito was declared American Capital of Culture 2011 by the International Bureau of Cultural Cap
itals (IBOCC). This nomination places Quito as a worldwide cultural referent, motivating locals and foreigners to learn about the treasures that the city holds and understand why Quito will be the American Capital of Culture. One of these treasures is the Historic Centre, artistic jewel located in an area of 320 hectares. It holds monumental buildings and 5.000 properties that are registered as heritage sites. Quito´s Historic Centre is considered the largest, least altered, and best preserved of America. Quito was the cradle of a millenary mixture of people and cultures that made of this city a unique place, and today it hoards four centuries of memories, creation, faith, art, ancestral knowledge, conscience and rebelliousness, life, determination and hope. +++++ +++++